Rehearsals are normally held on Wednesday evenings from early September to July, with suitable breaks at other holiday times. They start at 7pm and finish at 9pm with a short break in the middle. We bring our own refreshments
ST ANDREWS CHURCH HALLSouthwood RoadHayling Island
REHEARSALS - More Details
We usually have a rehearsal just before a concert in the hall in which we will be performing, this may be in the afternoon of the day of the performance, or on an evening just before.Rehearsals are normally led by our musical director and we have a professional accompanist. If one of them is not available the other will take the rehearsal, and we ask for a bit of discipline to help them.Please have a soft lead pencil, eg 4B, with you for marking your music, and a soft eraser for changes.To be eligible to sing in any concert we expect a member to have attended a good percentage of rehearsals for that concert.